On its maiden mission to the Red Sea, #OceanXplorer made a surprising discovery: a brine pool, over 1700 meters below the surface, teeming with otherworldly life—extremophiles, to be precise, lifeforms that survive in conditions we wouldn’t believe possible on our planet, and which provide clues to how life on Earth began. This is the first ever brine pool discovered in the Gulf of Aqaba, in the northern Red Sea.
Director: Tommy Davis
Executive Producers: Mark Dalio, Joe Ruffolo, Jonathan Schienberg
Senior Producer: Erika Jarvis
Producers: Mika Chance, Carly Tarricone
Story Producer: Lindsay Blatt
Series DP: Ivan Agerton
Underwater Series DP: Sean Ruggeri
DP: Tommy Davis
Post Production Supervisor: Gabe Tanenhaus
Editors: Tommy Davis, Nick Capezzera
Assistant Editors: Patrick Hopkins, Carly Tarricone
Sound: Tommy Davis
Color Grade: Running Man Post
Sound Mix: Max Sound Recording
Research Paper: https://go.nature.com/3RN4gSy (Published 27 June 2022)
#oceanx #ocean #discovery #exploration