NYYC American Magic AC40-5 Day 2 Summary

To watch the New York Yacht Club American Magic Team in action, on this, only their second day of sailing their beautiful AC40 ‘America’, is to watch a team at the apex of the America’s Cup game. It was almost a demonstration sail on perfect Pensacola Bay conditions serving up a 12-15 knot consistent breeze that allowed the sailors to let rip and get more than comfortable with their new charge.

Terry Hutchinson, Skipper and President of Sailing Operations for NYYC American Magic, is looking and sounding increasingly comfortable with what the sailing team are achieving and is more than happy with the boat saying: “Yeah great day…the guys got in about 6 hours of sailing, one battery change so that was all in all a really good day you know we’re going through the teething problems with the boat, not that they’re problems, but I mean like any new boat you have to work through these things, you can’t really give McConaghy’s and the whole design structure behind this boat enough props because they did a really good job. I mean it’s awesome to be two days into it and basically the guys are out there ripping around Pensacola Bay.”

Section 41. Reconnaissance

a) As a campaign cost reduction measure, COR/D has mutually agreed to cooperatively implement a centralised reconnaissance programme for all teams for the reconnaissance of all Competitors’ AC75 Yachts, AC40 Yachts and LEQ12 yachts including both on-land and on-water imagery (the “Joint Recon Programme”).

b) Each team is assigned a two-person Recon Unit to follow their every on-water move, but it’s not that simple. The cameras are supplied and identical for all Recon Units. Drones are not allowed, and they can’t get that close, plus following a boat and keeping a camera steady at 45 knots isn’t that easy to begin with.

c) A three minute interview follows each on water day, and teams must answer the Recon Unit’s questions while trying not to give too much away. It’s a raw, unedited view of the never before seen behind-the-scenes development of a team and their boat to win the oldest trophy in international sports.

#AC37Recon #AmericasCup #Barcelona2024