İlgili Konular
Team Malizia Wins Newport In-Port Race & Leads Fleet Towards Europe | Leg 5 Start | The Ocean Race
Whales play a bigger role in our climate than you might think.
#protecttheoceans #shortsviral
Time to Leave The South | Leg 3 27/03 | The Ocean Race Show
RACE REPORT - Leg 4 - 04/05 | The Ocean Race
When the ocean decides your food needs a little adventure too. 
#food #struggle #sailing
Pure bliss 
#theoceanrace #sailing #shorts #relaxing
Locked Into A Battle | From the Boats | Leg 3 04/04 | The Ocean Race
RACE REPORT - Leg 4 - 24/04 | The Ocean Race
The Ocean Race Europe is coming to Cartagena in 2025!
'This Is The Last Really Tough Oceanic Leg!' | Leg 5 Preview with Simon Fisher | The Ocean Race
The Odyssey Begins | From the Boats | Leg 3 27/02 | The Ocean Race
The Drag Race Is On! | Leg 5 24/05 | The Ocean Race Show