[ESP] 🌊 Solo el 8% de los océanos está protegido, lo que deja a la gran mayoría de los mismos en grave riesgo frente a amenazas como la pesca de arrastre de fondo, la sobrepesca y otras actividades destructivas.
🌍 Los líderes mundiales se han comprometido a proteger el 30% de los hábitats terrestres y marinos antes de 2030, acuerdo conocido como la iniciativa 30×30.
🇪🇸 Nuestro equipo, junto a Sailors for the Sea powered by Oceana, está trabajando por un futuro sostenible. Nuestro compromiso con la Impact League de SailGP es claro: proteger nuestros océanos para las generaciones futuras 💙♻️
Por nuestros océanos.
Por nuestro futuro.
Únete a nosotros 🤝 https://act.oceana.org/page/164294/petition/1?ea.tracking.id=Partners
[ENG] 🌊 Only 8% of the oceans are protected, leaving the majority of the oceans at serious risk from threats such as bottom trawling, overfishing and other destructive activities.
🌍 World leaders have committed to protect 30% of terrestrial and marine habitats by 2030, an agreement known as the 30×30 initiative.
🇪🇸 Our team, together with Sailors for the Sea powered by Oceana, is working for a sustainable future. Our commitment to the SailGP Impact League is clear: protect our oceans for future generations 💙♻️
For our oceans.
For our future.
Join us 🤝 https://act.oceana.org/page/164199/petition/1?ea.tracking.id=Partners
Subscribe today: https://bit.ly/2IZR3n4
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SailGP is high speed, high tech and high impact. The Rolex SailGP Championship combines cutting-edge tech, iconic global venues, elite athletes and record-breaking speeds to create the most exciting racing on water. Rival teams from the Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland and USA battle it out at iconic venues around the world in short, intense races for a total prize pot of $12.8 million. Teams compete in identical hydrofoiling F50 catamarans that fly above the water at electrifying speeds of over 100 km/h.
#SailGP #PoweredbyNature