Orange Beach, Ala. – (OBA) – A 14-foot Great hammerhead shark was found dead in Orange Beach last Thursday, drawing the attention of both the public and the scientific community. The shark, which was discovered to be pregnant with 40 pups, floating just offshore when passersby pulled it on to the beach and alerted Coastal Resources.
Upon receiving the call, Coastal Resources staff promptly arrived at the scene and removed the shark from the beach. Although the death of the creature was unfortunate, the rare opportunity to examine a Great hammerhead in such good condition was met with enthusiasm. Coastal Resources wasted no time in contacting various agencies to see who could gather data from the unique specimen.
Dr. Drynom from Mississippi State University’s Marine Fisheries Ecology, a researcher specializing in coastal sharks, sent a team to conduct a necropsy on the deceased shark. While the cause of death remains undetermined, the discovery of the shark’s pregnancy offers valuable insights into the fecundity of Great hammerhead sharks.
Coastal Resources expressed gratitude for their staff’s swift response in getting the shark off the beach, protecting it from the elements, and preserving it with ice within just a few hours of the initial call. The event will undoubtedly be remembered as a unique and educational experience for all involved.
The great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran) is one of the larger species of hammerhead sharks. Female great hammerhead sharks give birth to live young, known as pups. The average number of pups in a great hammerhead shark litter can range from 20 to 40, with some reports suggesting even up to 55 pups in a single litter. However, the exact number may vary depending on various factors, such as the individual shark’s age and environmental conditions.
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