Wild Colombia – Part 2: Serrania De La Macarena – Nature’s Treasure Trove | Wildlife Documentary
Watch ‘Wild Colombia – Part 3’ here: https://youtu.be/6QHuwUN7Ods
In this episode:
In the middle of Colombia, lies an unique and little explored outcrop of sandstone; the Serrania de la Macarena. It forms part of the country’s first ever national park where more than 15 million specimens were found.
The very word Colombia conjures up certain expectations: the exotic, the lawless, and the dangerous. The truth is that despite its relatively small size, Colombia is the second most biologically diverse country on Earth, home to about 14 percent of the world’s species. Colombia has more species of bird and vertebrates than anywhere else on Earth. All have adapted to life in a bewildering array of habitats.
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